Messaging & Positioning

We help you develop compelling positioning that differentiates your products and services from the competition. We create clear, concise, and simple messaging that makes your products and services easy for your customer to understand.

Messaging Research

We believe that good messaging starts with understanding what customers want.  We conduct customer research prior to developing messaging.

We also test messaging after it has been created and before it is launched.

Messaging Workshops

We understand that teams need to be aligned around messaging for it to be effectively communicated.  We conduct cross functional messaging workshops and use the customer research as the basis for messaging development.  Our workshops are interactive, engaging, and fun and they result in team buy-in as well as compelling messaging frameworks.

Check out our blog post for tips on how to get teams aligned around messaging.

Messaging and Positioning Frameworks

As part of our workshops we leave you with a messaging framework that serves as your blueprint for how to talk about your products and services across all of your communications touchpoints.